I was very excited to meet the first family from the free sessions I offered to new Orlando clients. We went to Cypress Grove Park, which I think is going to be one of my favorite locations in Orlando. It was another hot and humid day in Florida by the time we finished, but we really got some amazing photos! Here are a few of my favorites with this really fun family! (How am I so lucky to meet all the fun families?!)
Last week I drove out to Tampa to take some family photos for my great friends, the LeBlancs! Little P just turned a year old a couple months ago, and he is as active as ever! We had a great time (read: exhausting time!) chasing him around in the Florida summer heat, and we got some great photos! Here is a small sampling:
Wow. A few weeks ago, I met Denise & Tommy at the beach for some maternity photos, and I am so excited with the results! Any day now baby Ava will be coming along!